by Md Samiul Alam Rajib from Hanoi, Vietnam

Daily report: Day-0
Date: 16.07.2017 (Saturday)
Event: Arrival and Registration
Venue: Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE), Hanoi, Vietnam
Event detail:
After arriving a member of the reception committee received us at the airport and escorted us to the Hanoi National University of Education. There, the juries and students got the registration. At the end of the registration, we all were given the name tags and a gift pack which contained a t-shirt, Bag, a pad, a pen, a coat pin, an umbrella, a hand fan, a souvenir badge, a photo album containing various images of Vietnam and invitation cards. There were plenty arrangements for water and different sweets (Since the weather in Vietnam is very hot and humid this time of the year). All communication devices of the participants were kept in safety and the juries and the participants were taken to the respective hotels separately.
[End of Day: 0]

Daily report: Day-1
Date: 17.07.2015 (Sunday)
- Opening Ceremony (2.30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.)
- Welcome party (5:30 pm- 08:30 pm)
Venue: National Convention Centre, Hanoi, Vietnam
Event detail:
We had our breakfast and lunch in the hotel. We were taken to the Hanoi National Convention centre after the lunch. Interestingly, we were escorted by the police this time. The total jury members were separated in several buses according to the nationality. In the venue, maximum security was taken because the Vietnam’s minister of education and the minister of Education of Japan were present at the event. In the program, welcome address was given the chairman of the IBO organizing committee followed by the competitor’s march. During the march, the hosts addressed Bangladesh as
“Bangladesh is known for it’s known for its unique architecture, with it tradition sports called Kabadi. Bangladesh is symbolized by its national flower Shapla (Water lilly) and the majestic Royal Bengal Tiger”. This was the most attractive part of the opening ceremony. After that, chairman of the IBO coordinators addressed everyone present there, followed by oath by the competitors, and jury representatives.
All the juries, competitors, volunteers and organizers participated in the welcome reception. They arranged dinner for more than 1000 people in banquet hall of the National convention centre. After the dinner, we were escorted back to the hotel with police protection.
[End of Day: 1]

Daily report: Day-2
Date: 18.07.2015 (Monday)
Event: laboratory question moderation.
Event detail :
We have been moderating laboratory questions since 8:30 in the morning and still it’s going on. We have been putting our comments regarding various laboratory questions. Different laboratory equipment which are going to be used for the laboratory tests are in display for our verifications. We have checked them thoroughly. It has been a very busy day for us. We spent the whole day in the venue and didn’t get any chance to take a break apart from the scheduled breaks.
[End of Day: 2]

Daily report: Day-3
Date: 19.07.2015 (Tuesday)
For Juries:
- Visit to the museum of ethnology
- Discussion on theoretical exams and translations.
For the students:
- Practical exams
Event details:
For juries:
After having a night long discussion session yesterday, we woke up early in the morning to join others to visit Vietnam national museum of ethnology. There we saw the life of different tribes of Vietnamese people followed by Vietnam’s famous water puppet show. After visiting the museum we came back to hotel and gathered in the ball room after having our lunch. The longest discussion session started on theoretical exams.
For students:
In the previous day the students visited the labs where they sat for the laboratory examination today. You can find the details and the photos in the newsletter 3. Ajman’s photo came in among the contestants visiting the labs. As far as we have heard from the examination hall, the exam was pretty smooth. There was 1 volunteer for 4 students in the exam hall to help them out with the practical examination. Though, we heard that no one could complete the task 3 in the practical examination which was related with proteomics (SDS-PAGE related analysis). Two of the students from Turkey got pale and needed to be hospitalized. Turkey has withdrawn their name from the olympiad due to their unstable political situation. I hope our students have done well. We can only tell when we see the scripts ourselves.
[End of day 3]