Third National BioCamp 2017

Download registration form for BioCamp 2017

Duration: 21 April (08:00 AM) – 23 April (05:30 PM)

Venue: National Institute of Biotechnology, Savar

List of Students Selected as Campers of the Third National BioCamp 2017

Reg. no. Name in Bangla Name in English IBO final selection (OSPE score) Position Institution Category Region Pre-Selection Written Score Comment
100 মাইশা এম. প্রমি MAISHA M. PROME 72 MASTER CAMPER OXFORD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Higher Secondary Dhaka (North) IBO2016 Contestant
1990 নাজমুস সাদাত NAZMUS SAADAT 65.5 MASTER CAMPER MANGROVE SCHOOL Higher Secondary Dhaka (North) 16 Higher Secondary Category Champion in NBO
14479 মো. বায়েজিদ মিয়া MD. BAYEZID MIA 65 MASTER CAMPER INTERNATIONAL TURKISH HOPE SCHOOL Secondary Dhaka (North) 10
10513 নাজিয়া ইসলাম NAZIA ISLAM 63.5 INTERNATIONAL TURKISH HOPE SCHOOL Higher Secondary Chittagong 10
300 আইমান ওয়াদুদ AYMAN WADUD 63.5 SAINT JOSEPH HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL Junior Dhaka (North) IBO2016 Contestant
1986 রাদিয়া মারিয়াম মধুমী খান RADIA MARIUM MODHUMI KHAN 61.7 ACADEMIA Higher Secondary Dhaka (North) 10
200 ওয়াসিক হাসান WASIQUE HASAN 61.5 MASTERMIND ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL Higher Secondary Dhaka (North) IBO2016 Contestant
1961 তানজিম আজওয়াদ জামান TANZEEM AZWAD ZAMAN 59.5 NOTRE DAME COLLEGE Higher Secondary Dhaka (South) 8
400 ওয়াসি রহমান চৌধুরী WASEE RAHMAN CHOWDHURY 59.5 SCHOLASTICA Junior Dhaka (North) IBO2016 Contestant
12669 জুহায়ের মাহদিদুল আলম আশফি JUHAYER MAHDIUL ALAM ASHFI 57.8 MYMENSINGH ZILLA SCHOOL Junior Mymensingh 8
12327 অর্ণব চক্রবর্তী ARNAB CHAKRABORTY 57 MASTERMIND ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL Higher Secondary Dhaka (North) 8
9918 মাহবুবা সৈয়দ সিনথিয়া MAHBUBA SAYED SINTHIA 54.7 RAJSHAHI MODEL SCHOOL & COLLEGE Junior Rajshahi 12
14414 রাফসান রহমান রায়ান RAFSAN RAHMAN RAAYAN 53.25 THE AGA KHAN SCHOOL, DHAKA Junior Dhaka (North) 17
2076 আবরার তাসনিম আবির ABRAR TASNEEM ABIR 52.8 ST. GRAGORY HIGH SCHOOL Junior Dhaka (South) 10
13979 তাসনিম আফিফা অপলা TASNIM AFIFA APOLA 52 PARAMOUNT SCHOOL & COLLEGE Junior Rajshahi 6 Junior Category Champion in NBO
7328 ঐতিহ্য হক OITIJHA HOQUE 47.3 DHAKA RESIDENTIAL MODEL COLLEGE Secondary Dhaka (North) 9 Secondary Category Champion in NBO
4101 হিমাদ্রী পান্থ দাশ HIMADRI PANTHA DAS 45.3 DHANMONDI TUTORIAL Higher Secondary Dhaka (North) 8
12352 সৌবির দত্ত গুপ্ত SOUBIR DATTA GUPTA 38.75 MASTERMIND ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL Higher Secondary Dhaka (North) 10


Module: Plant Biology [8-8.5 hours]

***1. Plant Anatomy-: from cutting thin section to mounting the section on slide, identification of different structures under microscope.

***2. Flower morphology: dissection, indication of floral parts - floral symbol.

***3. Seed morphology and physiology: seed section and identification of different parts, viability of seeds by tetrazolium method. 

 *4. Photosynthesis : O2 is evolved from Hydrilla plant during photosynthesis. 

 **5. Plant evolutionary origin: Based on various external and internal characters one has identify or trace which plant specimens belong to more primitive or more advanced groups.

 **6. Quality of wood from the 3 provided samples: cut thin transverse sections and then based on relative number of vessels, trachid and xylem parenchyma you can determine the quality of the wood.

 *7. Adaptation of hydrophytes, xerophytes: thin section of either leaf or stem (petiole) and indicating special adaptive feature.

 **8. Effect of KCl on Stomatal opening and closing. Or measuring stomatal density.

 *9. Identifying plants from given chart of characteristics.

Module: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology [8-8.5 hours]

 ***1. Determination of carbohydrate, protein, lipid (qualitative) in given sample(s).

 ***2. Dilution preparation: satained bacteria/eukaryotic cell liquid broth, dilute it to given concentration (use pipette). Calculate and perform. Take specified amount in micropipette. 

 ***3. Put the solution on a glass slide, coverslip and put under microscope to count cells. Calculate cell count.

 **4. Nanodrop chart given. Calculate DNA concentration. Interpretation of range chart.

 ***5. Gel electrophoresis interpretation with given ladder chart - expression, length.

 *6. Stryer protein purification - SDS gel - data analysis.

 ***7. Basic DNA technology (isolation, restriction digestion, PCR, electrophoresis etc.)

 NB: *** most important, **better to include, *good to know.


First day (21-04-2017):

0800-0900: Registration and Breakfast / snacks.

0900-1100: DNA Extraction.

1101-1115: Refreshment.

1116-1300: DNA Extraction.

1301-1415: Lunch.

1416-1530: Amplification of particular DNA Region by PCR.

1531-1630:  Restriction Digestion of amplified gene.

1631-1745: Observation of digested product by gel electrophoresis.

1745-1845: Refreshment.

1846-2000: Observation of digested product by gel electrophoresis.

2001-2030: Dinner.

Second day (22-04-2017):

0800-0830: Breakfast.

0900-1000: Evolution of oxygen during photosynthesis.

1001-1045: Flower morphology: dissection, indication of floral parts - floral symbol.

1046-1115: Refreshment.

1116-1200: Seed morphology and physiology.

1201-1300: Anatomy of leaf, roots and stem.

1301-1400: Lunch.

1401-1500: Anatomy of leaf, roots and stem (contd.)

1501-1600: Anatomical adaptation of hydrophytes and xerophytes.

1601-1630: Refreshment.

1631-1700: Evolution of oxygen during photosynthesis.

1701-2000: Additional modules.

2001-2030: Dinner.

Third day (23-04-2017):

0730-0800: Breakfast.

0800-0930: Determination of carbohydrate, protein and lipid (qualitative) in given sample(s).

0931-1100: Dilution preparation: stained bacteria dilute it to given concentration (Use pipette). Calculate and perform. Take specified amount in micropipette.

1101-1115: Refreshment.

1116-1315: Put the solution on a glass side, cover slip and put under microscope to count cells. Calculate cell count.

1316-1400: Lunch.

1401-1430: Additional module.

1500-1730: OSPE Exam for IBO2017 Team Selection.

1731-1800: Presentation on Prospect of Biotechnology / Evaluation.

1801-1900: Prize-Giving Ceremony & Closing.